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    Lynne Sings Dolly & Linda

    Get ready to celebrate the music of Dolly Parton and Linda Ronstadt with Lynne! She will be joined by Nashville guitarist Paul Binkley, Julia Andrews, Greg Kanz, Matt Alles and Rachael Brolin.

    Singer Lynne Rothrock’s engaging mega-watt personality is as expansive as her remarkable knack for uncovering priceless, little-known musical masterpieces. Her savvy style with a time-honored classic is as warm and on-target as her easy and immediate connection with an audience of any demographic.

    Lynne is as solid and nurturing as the Midwest soil that surrounds her Iowa hometown. She has a knack for making everyone around her break into smiles – whether gracing a stage with her clear, beautiful vocals and hilarious stage banter or drawing out the very best artistry from other singers.

    Watch Lynne Sing The Music of Linda Ronstadt in Opus in August of 2019: