Individual Giving
Your gift to Orchestra Iowa’s Annual Fund keeps the music alive in our community! Your generosity provides essential support for numerous educational and outreach programs through the Orchestra Iowa School as well as bringing unforgettable symphonic concerts and entertainment to the stage. Click the “Donor Spotlight” button below to read more about why donors choose to give to Orchestra Iowa.
With your contribution to the Orchestra Iowa Annual Fund come many benefits.
Gifts made as a tribute or memorial for friends or family are welcomed. We recognize these gifts in the Memorials and Honorariums section of the Overture Magazine, but they do not count toward donor benefit levels.
If you would like to give a gift in memorial or tribute of a loved one online, please click the “Donate Now” button below. After making your online gift, please email development@orchestraiowa.org with the name of your honoree.
Orchestra Iowa is a 501c3 non-profit, so your charitable contribution is tax deductible as allowed by law. Many companies match employee gifts, providing significant additional funding.
New! Sustaining Donor Program
Orchestra Iowa Sustaining Donors have their annual gift split into 12 automatic monthly payments. Click “Become a Sustaining Donor” below for more information!

Giving Levels and Benefits

Honor Roll

Matching Gifts